Julie's Flemish Peasant

Cuz every girl needs a dress that can roll in the hay.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Faire Days!

Well, as previously covered, Beth and I spent last Saturday at the MD RenFest in our brand new Flemish garb. Here are a few images (borrowed from beth) to show what my dress (and Beths!) ended up looking like. Notice that we both had time for sleeves--and later in the day it was even cool enough out to wear them!! I must remember to always do fests in the autumn from now on.

This is a poor quality picture of how I ended up "bustling" the over dress--all Beth's idea, since she was fiddling with my skirts for me Friday night. I love the result of her ministrations. I think it makes my butt look pleasantly GINORMOUS. ;)

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Here is us looking all natural. You can get a good idea of what our head dresses looked like, and maybe why it is we were mistaken for mennonites from the back a few times:

I think that's all for this gown. I actually have plans (and fabric) to make a black partlet as well, and will post pics of that when/if I have it. But since I won't be wearing this again til next faire season, it may be a good while.

Monday, October 03, 2005


Well, approximately 14 hrs prior to wear, I made maroon wool/green cotton reversible sleeves for my flemish. Approximately 7 hrs before putting the ensemble on for the "reveal," I finished the hems. Cutting it close, eh? In any case, it is completely done. And wearing it was completely fun. See my Dress Diary main page for details of my festy weekend with Beth and hubbby.

I will get some completed dress shots up here soon. In the meantime I just wanted to give a "Huzzah!" for being done. And a *pout* for having sat in bbq sauce at the faire. :( I am sure it will come out, but damn, that's annoying.... I must say, a stained peasant is actually rather appropriate, but still. ;)